State-of-the-art Algorithms of PV Tracking Control Unit

02 Aug , 2024

In the rapid development of photovoltaic power generation systems, the market has favored Horizontal Single Axis Solar Trackers (HSAT) due to their high power generation rate, low maintenance cost, and simple installation. With the global installation of horizontal single-axis trackers reaching 92GW, a critical issue that has consistently concerned project owners is shading. The key to addressing this issue lies in an advanced algorithm embedded in the solar tracking controller. As a talented developer in this field, Good Future proudly introduces our Tracking Control Unit (TCU), equipped with an advanced Backtracking Algorithm to ensure optimal performance under all conditions.

What is the Backtracking Algorithm?

The backtracking algorithm is a crucial innovation in solar tracking technology. Its primary function is to dynamically adjust the angle of solar panels to minimize mutual shading between them, thereby enhancing the system’s overall energy output. This is particularly significant for Horizontal Single Axis Solar Trackers (HSAT), where panels are typically arranged closely together, making them prone to shading issues.

How Does the Good Future TCU’s Backtracking Algorithm Work?

1. Shade Avoidance: At the core of Good Future’s backtracking algorithm is the goal of reducing mutual shading between panels. During low solar angles (such as in the early morning and late afternoon), panels can cast shadows on adjacent panels. To minimize shading, the backtracking algorithm adjusts the panels’ angles to slightly deviate from the sun’s position, thereby reducing shadow effects.

2. Solar Position Calculation: The Good Future TCU utilizes the Solar Position Algorithm to precisely calculate the sun’s position throughout the day. These calculations take into account geographic location, slopes, date, and time to determine the sun’s elevation and azimuth angles, providing crucial data for subsequent angle adjustments.

3. Ideal Angle Calculation: Based on the sun’s position and the physical properties of the system (such as panel dimensions, spacing, and tracker length), the backtracking algorithm calculates an optimal tilt angle to ensure minimal shading between panels. These calculations consider each panel’s specific installation configuration and site conditions, ensuring the algorithm’s applicability and accuracy.

4. Dynamic Adjustment: The Good Future TCU continuously and dynamically adjusts the panels’ angles, ensuring minimal shading at any time of the day. These adjustments are seamless, guaranteeing the system operates at optimal performance under varying solar positions.

5. Feedback and Optimization: Equipped with advanced sensors, the Good Future TCU provides real-time monitoring of light intensity and environmental conditions, offering immediate feedback. This data is used to further optimize the backtracking algorithm, ensuring high efficiency under diverse environmental conditions.

The advanced backtracking algorithm of the Good Future TCU revolutionizes solar tracking systems. Through intelligent calculations and dynamic adjustments, our system not only enhances energy capture efficiency but also ensures optimal performance under various environmental conditions. Choosing the Good Future TCU means opting for a more efficient and intelligent solar solution.