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Solar tracker is a device that orient the solar panel toward the sun. Because solar trackers follow the sun, they constantly should change their orientation throughout the day to capture more energy.
In PV plant, solar trackers help minimize the angle of incidence, which is the sunlight makes with a line perpendicular to the panel surface. Minimizing the angle can increase the energy that the PV plant produces.
Concentrated solar photovoltaics and concentrated solar thermal have optics that directly accept sunlight, so the solar trackers in these systems have to be angled correctly to absorb energy. All concentrated solar systems have trackers because the systems can’t produce energy unless directed properly toward the sun.
As the price, reliability, and performance of single-axis trackers have improved, the systems have been installed in an increasing rate of utility-scale projects. According to data from research, global solar tracker shipments hit a record of 14.5GW in 2017. This shows a growth of 32% year-over-year, with similar or greater growth projected as large-scale solar deployment continues to accelerate.